
G5 Ch6 L2.2 Sound: Pitch, Volume, and Echolocati ...

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  • What is frequency?
    The number of times an object vibrates per second.
  • What is amplitude?
    The height of sound waves. (or: The air density within compressions and rarefactions vs outside of them)
  • What is "sound navigation and ranging" commonly called? How does it work?
    Sonar; sound wave emission + timing device to determine object locations.
  • What is volume and how is it measured?
    The loudness of sound; decibels.
  • How can we make sounds louder?
    Using more energy (increasing the density of the particles in the compressions and decreasing it in the rarefactions).
  • A classmate says that higher pitch music notes are irritating because they vibrate in your ear faster. Which part of that statement is fact and which is opinion?
    Irritating= opinion; vibration speed= fact.
  • What is echolocation?
    Sound waves emitted by animals, such as bats, that bounce off objects and tell the animal their location.
  • How does changing the medium of a sound change its amplitude?
    The denser the medium, the less the amplitude and vice versa.
  • What is the Doppler Effect?
    A change in frequency due to moving toward or away from a sound wave.
  • What is pitch?
    How high or low a sound is.