
Jobs and Occupations

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  • Who designs and builds buildings?
    The architect.
  • This person looks after flowers, plants, trees and gardens. Who is it?
    The gardener.
  • This person designs clothes, so that it fits you. Who is it?
    The tailer.
  • What is your occupation?
    I am a student.
  • These people take passengers from one place to another in cities.
    A taxi driver.
  • Who repairs vehicles?
    The mechanic.
  • A............ paints drawing, walls and ceilings..
  • Who travels though space in space ships?
    An Astronaut.
  • Who plays songs and melody's on a musical instrument?
    The musician.
  • Who serves the food at the tables for customers?
    The waiter.
  • This person defends and applies laws.
    The judge.
  • Who repairs pipes for running water in your house?
    The plumber.