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  • What is infrastructure?
    Transportation systems, communication networks, sewage, water, and school systems
  • What is the happies country in the world?
  • What is sales tax?
    Money that is added to the price of a product.
  • What country pays the most money for a pack of cigarettes?
  • TRUE or FALSE: Japan has the highest taxes in the world.
    False. The Ivory Coast has the highest taxes in the world: 60%!!
  • TRUE or FALSE: Taxes were created 500 years ago.
    FALSE. Taxes existed since the beginning of recorded history.
  • Who is Benjamin Franklin?
    Writer, inventor, publisher, and one of The Founding Fathers of the USA
  • Name 2 categories for life statisfaction (happiness).
    A good economy. A healthy life. Freedom to make life choices. Social support. Generosity. No corruption.