
Phrasal Verbs PET

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  • She_______________ for evening classes at the English course
    signed up/ looked after/ got on
  • We are travelling tomorow by plane! What time are we _____________ ?
    going on /setting off/ setting up
  • I ______________smoking two years ago.
    gave up/ went on/ looked after
  • I'll just go and ____________ what's going on outside.
    find out/ look forward to/ get up
  • We really can't ___________ living like this - we'll have to find a bigger house.
    get up/ look forward to/ go on
  • I thought I might ______________ cycling
    bring in/ carry on/ take up/
  • Do you have any milk?" "Sorry, I _________________ of milk and cream."
    run out of/ sign in/ run up
  • We're playing cards. Would you like to _______________?
    come in/ join in/ go on
  • ____________ - I'm almost finished.
    Go on/ Hang on/ Take care
  • I'm really _____________ seeing him
    / setting up/ looking forward to/ carrying on
  • Could you ____________ the children while I'm out?
    look after/ sing up/ join in