
Tag the Question

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  • You weren't sleeping,
    were you?
  • They played football on Sunday,
    didn't they?
  • We're working tomorrow,
    aren't we?
  • She doesn't have any children,
    does she?
  • Didi drivers have earned more than Uber drivers,
    haven't they?
  • The bus isn't coming,
    is it?
  • We were waiting at the station,
    weren't we?
  • Liu Wen was born in Yongzhou,
    wasn't she?
  • Hot Pot isn't hard to make,
    is it?
  • Lebron James has played played for the Los Angeles Lakers,
    hasn't he?
  • You've been to Canada before,
    haven't you?
  • It was cold yesterday,
    wasn't it?
  • Jeremy Shu-How Lin lives in California,
    doesn't he?
  • They won't be late,
    will they?
  • She'll come at six,
    won't she?
  • She plays football on Sundays,
    doesn't she?
  • They play football on Sundays,
    don't they?
  • We aren't late,
    are we?
  • They didn't go out last Sunday,
    did they?
  • You'll bring the homework tomorrow,
    won't you?
  • Lee Kuan Yew died in 2015,
    didn't he?
  • She's a nursing student,
    isn't she?
  • He can help,
    can't he?
  • She wasn't at home yesterday,
    was she?
  • Bubble Tea is addictive,
    isn't it?
  • He went to the party last night,
    didn't he?
  • She hasn't eaten all the cake,
    has she?
  • He isn't from Germany,
    is he?
  • Troye Sivan grew up in Western Australia,
    didn't he?
  • They live in London,
    don't they?