
Grow in His Word Book 2

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  • How many disciples did Jesus call to follow Him?
    12 disciples
  • What acronym did our study guide book use for helping us remember the New Testament?
  • Who is the most famous writer of the New Testament and what was his "old" name?
  • How old was Jesus when he got "lost" from his parents and was found sitting with and listening to rabbis?
    12 years old
  • How many letters did Paul write to the new churches?
    13 letters or books of the Bible
  • Finish the rest of this Bible verse, "Jesus answered, "I am the way, the ...... and the ........"
    the way, the truth, and the life.
  • Why did Jesus have to leave Earth? (hint: it's 2 different reasons)
    to prepare a place for us in Heaven and to give us the Holy Spirit
  • What does Jesus say to His disciples at the last supper?
    take and eat the bread. It is my body broken for you. Take and drink the wine. It is my blood shed for you.
  • How long did Jesus stay in the desert to be tempted?
    40 days and nights
  • What "weapon" did Jesus use against Satan in the desert?
    Scripture or God's Holy words
  • What are the names of the four Gospels?
    Matthew, Mark, Luke, John
  • What did Jesus use to feed the 5,000?
    5 loaves of bread and two fish
  • True or false: There are 5 books of prophecy in the New Testament.
  • Which book of the Bible talks about the "heroes of the faith"? (James, 1 Peter, Hebrews)
  • How many books are in the New Testament?
    27 books
  • What is the official name of Jesus' stories that he used to teach lessons to His followers?
  • Which book of the Bible tells the history of the first Christians and their persecution?
  • Who betrayed Jesus and what did he receive for turning in Jesus?
    Judas 30 pieces of silver
  • Jesus is our Redeemer. What does it mean to "redeem" someone?
    To buy back or to get something in exchange for payment
  • True or False: Jesus was 100% God and 100% man at the same time.
  • Who baptized Jesus?
    John the Baptist
  • What was Jesus' first miracle?
    Turning water into wine at a wedding
  • How long did it take after Jesus died to create the first Bible? (canonization=leaders met to decide which books and letters should be included in the Bible)
    400 years after Jesus' death
  • Can you tell us the name of one of Jesus' parables?
    the prodigal son, the good samaritan, the seeds, the rich young ruler
  • Which book of the Bible tells about the prophecy of the end of the world?
  • How do we know Jesus rose from the dead?
    The tomb was empty. The angel spoke to the Marys. Jesus appeared to the disciples and up to 500 other people.