
Creepy Crawlies

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  • How does an Australian hawkmoth caterpillar scare off its enemies?
    Its back end looks like scary eyes. The caterpillar shakes it to scare off its enemies.
  • Name 3 insects that have the word "fly" in their names.
    Dragonfly, butterfly, firefly, housefly, fairyfly, fruit fly, etc
  • What insect looks like a flower?
    Flower mantis / orchid mantis
  • What butterfly migrates all the way from Canada to Mexico?
    Monarch butterfly
  • What insect can taste with its feet?
  • Name 10 creepy crawlies
    Ant, bee, fly, mosquito, wasp, spider, grasshopper, butterfly, dragonfly, scorpion, bumblebee, worm, snail, centipede, cicada, cockroach, ladybug, moth, etc
  • Which creepy crawly has many many, sometimes even 176 pairs legs?
  • What is another name for a "feeler" ?
  • What do you know about spiders' eyes?
    Spiders have 8 eyes, but they are short-sighted..
  • What does the peacock butterfly look like?
    It has patterns on its wings that look like eyes.
  • What insect is the best mother?
  • What insect has ears on its legs?
  • What do you know about a cuckoo bee?
    It lays its eggs in another bee's nest. When baby cuckoo bees hatch they eat other bee's babies.
  • Spiders aren't insects. What are they?
  • What is the longest insect?
    Indonesian giant stick insect
  • Name 3 body parts of an insect
    Head, thorax, abdomen
  • What is another name for a "pupa"?
    Cocoon or chrysalis
  • What do you know about a black widow spider?
    It's 15 time more poisonous tgan a rattlesnake. The female sometimes eats her mate.
  • What insect pretends to look like a wasp?
  • What insect kills a million people each year?