
Living Systems Post Test Review

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  • The yellow arrows refer to what tube?
  • The blue arrows are referring to what tube?
  • Living or non-living factor: overfishing that reduces population of fish
    living factor
  • Make a food web using these living things: caterpillars, bacteria, deer, grass, blue jay, coyote
    teacher check
  • True or False: Red worms are decomposers because birds eat them.
  • living or non-living factor: invasive bacteria infects zooplankton.
    living factor
  • What is the job of the phloem?
    to transport food made by the plant to the roots and rest of the plant.
  • agree or disagree and why: kids eating salad are eating energy from the sun.
    teacher check
  • living or non-living factor: dust storm blocking the sun.
    non-living factor
  • What are the 2 main materials that plants need to grow?
    water and carbon dioxide
  • living or non-living factor: change in water temperature kills organisms.
    non-living factor
  • complete the sentence: ____________ is a decomposer because it gets its energy from_____________.
    teacher check
  • What is the job of the xylem?
    transfer water and nutrients from the roots to the plant.
  • True or False: zooplankton are primary consumers because they only eat plants.
  • agree or disagree and why: kids eating a hamburger are eating energy from the sun
    teacher check
  • complete the sentence: ____________ is a consumer because______________________.
    teacher check
  • If the snake population increased, what animal population would decrease? Bird, mouse, rabbit or owl?
  • True or False: Red worms make room for air and water in decaying material.