
Food and Drink

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  • This Drink is one of the most popular drinks in
    Milo Chocolate Milk!
  • This drink is the #1 drink in Asia and comes in many flavors and comes with bubbles
    Milk Tea!
  • This food is popular in South/South East Asia and it is spicy!
  • This famous food can be found in most street corners in the world.
    French Fries
  • One of the worlds favorite food. It is fried and is not very healthy.
    Fried Chicken
  • What famous snack is found all over the world and loved by millions?
    Chocolate/Candy Bar!
  • This food is cheap and comes with salt and must be warmed up for a few minutes. What food is this?
  • This drink is made from a sour fruit....but, once add sugar it becomes delicious!
  • This drink is popular in every country and comes free at many restaurants
  • This food was invented in the United States and as found popularity in almost every country
  • Popular fruit drink. What is the name?
    Orange Juice
  • This is the easiest answer you will ever get in my class.... What Drink is this...
  • Very popular Italian food. Famous all over the world
    Spaghetti and Meat Balls
  • These snacks can be found at any corner store or any store that sells food
    Potato Chips
  • This drink is purple and made from a purple fruit that is very sweet
    Grape Juice
  • This food is popular in many western countries ( Hint: It's cheesy mixed with pasta and it is 2 words. First word starts with M)
    Macaroni and Cheese
  • This food is famous in Japan and the meat is raw (uncooked)