
20th Century Spain

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  • In what year did General Miguel Primo de Rivera lead a coup and become dicator?
  • Why did people leave their villages and migrate to cities in the 1960s?
    Because huge modern factories were built and they needed workers.
  • How and when did Franco's dictatorship end?
    He died on 20th November 1975 and the dictatorship ended.
  • When did the Spanish economy start to improve?
  • What did censorship mean during Franco's dictatorship?
    Books, films, plays, and anything else that went against the ideas of Franco were banned.
  • What is the most important law in Spain? What does it establish?
    The Constitution of 1978. It establishes Spain as a democratic country with a parliamentary monarchy.
  • During his dictatorship, what was Franco's role? How much power did he have?
    He had all the power. He was head of state, head of government, and commander-in-chief of the military
  • In 1936, who led a coup against the Republican government? What war did this start?
    Francisco Franco, The Spanish Civil War
  • Who did the Republican Area support in the Spanish Civil War?
    They supported the Republic and did not support Franco.
  • Who was elected as Prime Minister after José Maria Aznar? In what year was he elected?
    José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, 2004
  • Who was elected Prime Minister after Felipe González? In what year?
    José María Aznar, 1996
  • What does the Constitution of 1978 guarantee for the citizens of Spain?
    The right to vote for everyone over 18 years old, equality under the law, freedom of speech, and recognises autonomous communities and cities
  • Who was elected Prime Minister After Leopoldo Calvo Sotelo? In what year was he elected?
    Felipe González, 1982
  • Who was the grandfather of Juan Carlos I?
    Alfonso XIII
  • Did the population support or oppose the dictatorship of General Primo de Rivera?
  • What happened to Alfonso XIII after the general elections in 1931.
    He went into exile.
  • What were the results of Spain being isolated during Franco's dictatorship?
    Many countries broke off diplomatic and commercial relations. This caused an economic crisis. The population became poor and did not have money for food.
  • King Alfonso XIII was the last king of what era?
  • In what year did King Juan Carlos I abdicate? Who became king?
    2014, His son Felipe VI
  • Who did Juan Carlos I appoint as prime minister of Spain?
    Adolfo Suarez
  • Who was crowned king of Spain after General Franco died?
    Juan Carlos I
  • What was life in Spain like in the 1970s?
    The standard of living improved, there was work for everyone, a middle class developed, people could afford goods that they couldn't before.
  • Who was elected as Prime Minister after José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero? In what year?
    Mariano Rajoy, 2011
  • Who was elected as Prime Minister after Mariano Rajoy? In what year was he elected?
    Pedro Sanchez, 2018
  • How did the Republican government try to modernise the country in 1931?
    They carried out many reforms related to land, education, and labour.
  • Who did the Nationalist Area support during the Spanish Civil War?
    They supported General Franco.
  • What happened after the Civil War?
    General Franco established a dictatorship that continued for more than 30 years. It was known as the Francoist dictatorship.
  • Were the reforms of the Second Spanish Republic accepted by the people? What happened?
    No, they were not accepted by everyone and violent conflicts escalated over time.
  • What were the results of Franco establishing a dictatorship?
    Franco had all the power, the Constitution was abolished, political parties were banned, statutes of autonomy were revoked, censorship was established
  • What did the Constitution of 1931 do?
    Gave the right to vote to women, separated church and state, created autonomous regions
  • During the Spanish Civil War the population was divided into 2 areas. What were they called?
    The Republican Area and the Nationalist Area
  • From the 1950's onwards Spain became more accepted internationally.
  • During Franco's dictatorship, Spain became _____ internationally.
  • What year did General Franco and his troops take full control of Spain?
  • What did General Primo de Rivera do when he became a dictator?
    Abolished the Consitution, dissolved Parliament, appointed men from armed forces to help rule, banned political parties and labour unions, limited freedom
  • In what year did Spain join the European Economic Community (EEC)?
  • What happened to Spain during the Spanish Civil War?
    There were bloody battles, hundreds of thousands of people died or went into exile, there were huge economic losses and society became divided
  • Who was the Prime Minister after Adolfo Suarez? In what year was he elected?
    Leopoldo Calvo Sotelo, 1981
  • What became one of Spain's main economic activities in the 1960s?
  • Did Spain win the war with Morocco?
  • When was the Second Spanish Republic proclaimed?
    14th April 1931
  • What political party won the election in 1977? Who led this party?
    The Unión de Centro Democrático (UCD), Adolfo Suárez
  • In 1931, a new constitution was approved, what type of system did it establish?
    constitutional monarchy
  • Who was proclaimed the president of the Second Spanish Republic in 1931?
    Miguel Primo de Rivera
    Niceto Alcalá Zamora
    Alfonso XIII
    Federico García Lorca
  • In what year did Primo de Rivera resign and why?
    In 1930, because he lost support.
  • What did the representatives of the major political parties do after the elections of 1977?
    They wrote a constitution which was approved by parliament.
  • What type of government was established after Franco's dictatorship ended?
    A democracy
  • Why did Adolfo Suarez resign from his position as Prime Minister?
    Because Spain suffered an economic crisis and Terrorist Attacks by ETA were frequent.
  • When did Spain become a member of the United Nations?
  • What is a coup?
    When a person or group overthrows a government using military force.
  • Who won the general elections in 1931?
    The political parties that supported a republic won.
  • What happened during the Transition so that Spain could become a democratic country again?
    Political parties and labour unions were legalized, people that were in exile returned to Spain, democratic elections were held in 1977 and Adolfo Suarez won