
Unit 3/ Station 2 Green Line 2 Bayern

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  • Be careful to not get (gestochen) by the (Insekten) in the garden.
    Be careful to not get bitten by the insects in the garden.
  • Please (nicht anfassen) the hot stove; it's dangerous.
    Please don't touch the hot stove; it's dangerous!
  • Can you (sich kümmern um) my dog while I'm on vacation?
    Can you look after my dog while I'm on vacation?
  • This shirt (passt) (perfekt)!
    This shirt fits perfectly!
  • Look how much (Regen) has fallen today!
    Look how much rain has fallen today!
  • The (Gegenteil) of "cold" is "hot".
    The opposite of "cold" is "hot".
  • It's (sicher) in the house when the weather is bad.
    It's safe in the house when the weather is bad.
  • Don't forget to apply (Sonnencreme) before going to the beach.
    Don't forget to apply sunscreen before going to the beach.
  • Every week I (aufheben) (Müll) in the forest.
    Every week I pick up trash in the forest.
  • I need to buy new (Socken), mine have holes in them.
    I need to buy new socks; all of mine have holes in them.
  • I'm (suchen) new (Hosen).
    I'm looking for new pants.
  • (Schau) at that beautiful sunset over the ocean.
    Look at that beautiful sunset over the ocean.
  • Can you (finde das Element das nicht in die Gruppe passt)?
    Can you find the odd one out?
  • Can you help me (tragen) these heavy boxes?
    Can you help me carry these heavy boxes?
  • Please (einschalten) the light when you are reading.
    Please turn on the light when you are reading.
  • If you don't know the meaning of a word, you can (es nachschlagen) in the dictionary.
    If you don't know the meaning of a word, you can look it up in the dictionary.
  • I rolled up my (Ärmel) before washing my hands.
    I rolled up my sleeves before washing my hands.
  • I bought new (Stiefel).
    I bought new boots.
  • Have you ever seen a plane that (abhebte)?
    Have you ever seen a plane that took off?
  • I (sich freue auf) playing with my best friend.
    I look forward to playing with my best friend.
  • You have to (sich in Acht nehmen vor) cars when you cross the street.
    You have to look out for cars when you cross the street.
  • She loves the (duft) of freshly baked bread.
    She loves the smell of freshly baked bread.
  • I love that song! Please (erneut abspielen) it!
    I love that song! Please replay it!
  • I've seen a (Wanderer) in the Rocky Mountains.
    I've seen a hiker in the Rocky Mountains.
  • I can (berühren) the ground.
    I can touch the ground.
  • Last week I (aufräumen) my own room.
    Last week I tidied my own room.
  • I (probierte) on my jacket in the (Umkleidekabine).
    I tried on my jacket in the fitting room.
  • I'm (suchen) my keys. Have you seen them?
    I'm looking for my keys. Have you seen them?