
Mission Impossible

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  • No more bullying
    Any idea?
  • Prevent all crimes
    Any idea?
  • Help everyone with mental health struggles
    Any idea?
  • End racism now
    Any idea?
  • End all wars
    Any idea?
  • Save all rain forests
    Any idea?
  • Solve global inequality
    Any idea?
  • Stop pollution once and for all
    Any idea?
  • No more homelessness
    Any idea?
  • Save the oceans
    Any idea?
  • Fix the corruption of justice
    Any idea?
  • Prevent people from starting smoking
    Any idea?
  • Find the cure for Corona
    Any idea?
  • Solve illegal hunting of wild animals
    Any idea?
  • Solve climate change
    Any idea?
  • Solve world hunger
    Any idea?