
Animals, People, and Caring

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  • Why is it hard for baby swans to escape danger on their own?
    They cannot fly for many months after they are born.
  • What is the name of a baby deer?
    A fawn
  • What is a baby wallaby called?
    A baby wallaby is called a 'joey'.
  • What is the "Big Question?" for Reading 1?
    Why is it important for to take care of their young?
  • What does the word, 'hatch' mean?
    To come out of an egg.
  • He accepted his friend's __________ to ride his bike up the steep hill.
  • How do both male and female emperor penguins take care of their babies?
    They take turns watching them while the other parent goes out in search of food.
  • When will a baby swan leave its parents?
    When they are old enough to fly, they will leave their parents.
  • What goals do you have for this school year?
    Student's answer.
  • How do elephants lift things?
    They use their strong trunks
  • Why does the mother raccoon move her family?
    The mother raccoon worries that other animals might find her den.
  • What is the name of baby dolphin?
    A calf
  • What are raccoons like when they are born?
    Raccoon babies are very small when they are born. They cannot stand or open their eyes.
  • What academic word means, something hard to do.
  • How does the mother wallaby communicate with her baby?
    She stomps on the ground.
  • List three things you know about raccoons.
    additional possible answers: raccoons are nocturnal, their faces look like masks, they are about cat-size.
  • What are the 2 genders of animals?
    Female and Male
  • Where do mother raccoons leave their babies when they look for food?
    They leave the babies in their den
  • Which parent takes care of the raccoon babies? Give examples.
    Only female raccoons take care of the babies. A mother might have four babies to take care of alone. The mother raccoon teaches them to care for themselves.
  • List the 5 classifications of animals.
    Birds, reptiles, amphibians, fish, and mammals.
  • How are human parents and animal parents similar?
    They both take care of their young and protect them from harm.
  • A bird SENDS A MESSAGE TO other birds when it sings.
  • Birds feed worms to their SMALL BABIES.
  • Most animals __________ their babies from danger.
  • Her most important __________ in life was to be an astronaut.
  • Describe what clownfish fathers do to care for their eggs.
    Clownfish fathers guards the eggs and keeps the eggs clean.
  • What is a camels hump made of?
  • What is the name of a baby pig?
    A piglet
  • What is the name for a baby duck?
    A duckling
  • A mother __________ with her babies by making sounds.
  • What academic word means, something you want to achieve.
  • Shells GIVE A SAFE PLACE TO turtles and snails
  • What is the name of a baby goose?
    A gosling.
  • What is the antonym of 'human'?
  • How do human children keep their parents busy?
    Possible answer: human parents need to feed their children, keep them warm, and protect them.
  • My mother told me to __________ my little brother in the game I was playing.
  • What is a habitat?
    The natural home or environment of an animal.
  • Baby animals feel SAFE when their mothers are near.
  • What is a 'den'?
    A home for animals that is hidden.
  • What is the name for a baby horse?
    A foal
  • Adult animals teach their __________ how to care for themselves.
  • Have you ever said no to a challenge? Why? <give a detailed answer?
    student's answer
  • What academic word means, include, or be part of.
  • Baby wallabies feel warm and __________ in their mother's pouch.
  • What goal did you have last year? <give a detailed answer>
    student's answer