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  • The Roadrunner is faster than the coyote
    The coyote isn't as fast as the roadrunner
  • Tom is thirstier than Jerry
    Jerry isn't as thirsty as Tom
  • Hawkeye isn't as big as the Hulk
    The Hulk is bigger than Hawkeye
  • Mount Teide isn't as high as Mount Everest
    Mount Everest is higher than Mount Teide
  • Homer isn't as hard working as Marge
    Marge is more hard working than Homer
  • Kevin Hart isn't as well built as Dwayne Johnson
    Dwayne Johnson is better built than Kevin Hart
  • Fishing sharks is more dangerous than fishing salmons
    Fishing salmons isn't as dangerous as fishing sharks
  • Teaching preschoolers isn't as tiring as teaching teens
    Teaching teens is more tiring than teaching preschoolers
  • Bart isn't as brilliant as Lisa
    Lisa is brighter than Bart
  • There aren't as many people in Barcelona as in China
    There are more people in China than in Barcelona