
Riddles and Answering Questions

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  • I am from Italy but now you can find me all over the world! You can find me in some restaurants. Who am I?
  • My name and my color are the same. I am a fruit. Who am I?
  • I'm a yellow fruit. My shape is oval and I'm super sour if you eat me alone. Who am I?
  • Some people like to eat me and vegans don't eat me at all. Can you guess who am I?
  • Name 3 animals that can swim (except fish)
    octopus, whale, shark
  • You usually eat me in the summer when it's hot outside. I'm very cold and I have a lot of different flavors. Who am I?
    ice cream
  • I'm very crunchy. When you see me on TV, rabbits are always eating me. Who am I?
  • Name 3 words that start with letter S
    sandwich, sandals, shoes
  • Name 4 things in your living room
    couch (sofa), coffee table, picture, mirror, carpet, rug, curtains, window, door, etc.
  • name 4 red fruits
  • Name 3 colors that are NOT in the rainbow
    black, brown, white
  • I'm an animal and some people like to eat me. They eat my legs and my wings. Who am I?
  • Name 4 vegetables
    cabbage, carrots, potato
  • I am a fruit. I'm orange on the inside but my outside can be yellow, green or orange. Do you know who I am?
  • I'm a fruit. I'm yellow on the outside and white on the inside. I am popular fruit at breakfast time. Who am I?