
Literary Genres

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  • This term used to describe the description found on the back or inner cover of a book.
    The Blurb
  • In this genre, the reader becomes a detective and must solve a crime or puzzle.
  • This literary award is given yearly to a children's book for excellence in writing and is named after a famous English children's book author
    Newbery Award
  • This is the name for the library label you find on the spine of a book that tells you its location in the library.
    Call Number
  • This system of library organization divides knowledge into categories and assigns each book a number so material can be easily found in any library.
    The Dewey Decimal System
  • This genre is defined by action. Typically, the main character goes on an epic journey, either personally or geographically.
  • This genre of fiction is set in a real place during a recognizable time period.
    Historical Fiction
  • Books in this genre teach the reader how to do something.
  • This literary format relies on pictures, dialogue bubbles and onomatopoeia to tell the story.
    Graphic Novel
  • Stories in this genre are written in dialogue and include stage direction.
  • This genre is meant to scare, startle, shock, and even repulse.
  • This genre describes a story about a real person's life written by someone else.
  • One of two broad branches, this form of literature includes imaginary events and characters.
  • Originating in folklore, this magical story typically begins "once upon a time" and ends "happily ever after".
    Fairy Tale
  • In stories of this genre, the tale is brief and usually includes humanized animals who learn a moral lesson.
  • In this genre, you learn real facts about specific topics.
  • This genre is written in verse and often organized in rhythmic stanzas.
  • This literary award is given to outstanding Asian American/Pacific Islander authors and illustrators.
    The APAAL
  • This literary award is given to outstanding African American authors and illustrators of books for children and young adults.
    Coretta Scott King Award
  • One of two broad branches, this form of literature includes facts, real events and real people.
  • This literary award is given for excellence in children's book illustration.
    The Caldecott Award
  • This futuristic genre speculates about alternative ways of life made possible by technological change.
    Science Fiction
  • This genre describes a story about a real person's life written in their own words.
  • Stories in this genre may include magic, imaginary creatures, talking objects and a battle between good and evil.