
Passive and Causative : have/get something done

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  • Anne: Is Jill repairing the roof herself? Paul: No, she ... (it / repair) by a handyman.
    is getting it repaired
    has it repaired
    is having it repaired
    is having repaired it
  • Are you going to sign the contract this week? (Rewrite into passive)
    Are you signed the contract this week?
    Is the contract going to be sign this week?
    Is the contract signed this week?
    Is the contract going to be signed this week?
  • Transform into Passive: The villagers gave the travellers food and water
    Food and water was given to travellers by the villagers
    Food and water was gave to travellers
    Travellers are giving food and water by the villagers
  • Transform into passive voice: People don't use this road very often
    This road isn't used very often by people
    This road isn't used very often
    Very often is used this road
    This road don't use people very often
  • Transform into Passive voice: They have changed the date of the meeting
    The date of the meeting is being changed
    The date of the meeting was changed.
    The date of the meeting have been changed
    The date of the meeting has been changed
  • She ... (her coat/clean) at the dry cleaners last week.
    had her coat cleaned
    had cleaned her coat
    had her coat clean
    had had her coat cleaned
  • Transform into Passive voice: Two men were following Tom
    Tom being followed by two men
    Tom was following by two men
    Tom was being followed by two men
    Tom were being followed by two men
  • I am going to clean my bedroom tonight. (Rewrite into passive)
    My bedroom is going to be cleaned tonight.
    My bedroom is going to be clean today.
  • My friend will give me a ticket for the match.
    My friend will be given a ticket for the match.
    I will be given a ticket for the match.
    To my friend a ticket will be given by me
  • Rewrite this sentence in the passive voice: "Has he fed the animals yet?
    Have you fed the animals?
    Has the animals been fed yet?
    Have the animals been fed yet?
  • She ... (her portrait/ paint) .. right now.
    has her portrait painted
    is have her protrait painted
    is having her portrait painted
    is having painted her protrait
  • I hope I ... (my house/paint) soon.
    will have my house painted
    will my house have painted
    will have painted my house
  • Change from active to passive: Did they repair all the windows?
    Was all the windows repaired?
    Did all the windows were repaired?
    Were all the windows repaired?
    Did all the windows be repaired?
  • He was washing his car yesterday morning. (Rewrite into passive)
    His car was being washed yesterday morning.
    His car was been washed yesterday morning.
    His car was washing yesterday morning.
    His car was washed yesterday morning.
  • They are playing a long game of poker. (Rewrite into passive).
    A long game of poker is been played.
    A long game of poker is being played.
    A long game of poker is playing.
    A long game of poker is played.
  • Use Have something done to rewrite this sentence: The mechanic changed the oil of my car
    The mechanic has changed the oil of my car
    I had the oil of my car changed by the mechanic
    I had the oil of my car changed
    I have changed the oil of my car
  • Choose the sentence in Causative.
    My dishes have been washed by mum.
    I have had my dishes washed by mum.
    Mum has washed my dishes.
    Dish washer
  • Last Tuesday she ...(blood pressure/take)
    had her blood pressure taken
    had taken her blood pressure
    had had her blood pressure taken
    had had taken her blood pressure
  • Change from active to passive: You should have finished your homework yesterday
    Your homework should been finished yesterday
    Your homework should have being finished yesterday
    Your homework should have been finished yesterday
    Your homework should be finished yesterday
  • Alan :What happened to George? Beth: He ..... (nose/break) in a fight.
    had broken his nose
    got his nose broken
    had his nose broken
    was broken his nose
  • Arnold: What happened to Fred?  Melinda: He ... (wallet/ steal) in the street last night.
    had his wallet stolen
    got stolen his wallet
    had stolen his wallet
    got his wallet stolen
  • Rewrite the sentence into passive voice. "We sell tickets for all shows at the Box Office.
    Tickets for all shows at the Box Office are sold.
    Tickets are sold for all shows at the Box Office.
    Tickets for all shows are sold at the Box Office.
    Tickets for all shows is sold at the Box Office.
  • They will allow us to present our project. (Rewrite into passive)
    Our project will be allowed to be presented.
    We are allowed to present our project.
    We will allowed to present our project.
    We will be allowed to present out project.
  • My car is two years old and I've just got it back from the mechanic's. This is the first time I ... (it/service)
    have had it serviced 
    have had serviced it
    have it serviced
    have serviced it