
Comparatives and Superlatives

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  • Who is (clever) in your class?
    Who is THE CLEVEREST in your class?
  • The horse has got a (long) tail than the pig.
    The horse has got a LONGER tail than the pig.
  • The book "Three Little Pigs" is (boring) than the book "Harry Potter".
    The book "Three Little Pigs" is more boring than the book "Harry Potter".
  • The book "The Little Mermaid" is (famous) than the book "Ghosts and Monsters"
    The book "The Little Mermaid" is MORE FAMOUS than the book "Ghosts and Monsters"
  • My table games are (interesting) than yours.
    My table games are MORE INTERESTING than yours.
  • Brazil is (large) country in South America.
    Brazil is THE LARGEST country in South America.
  • I think that bananas are (tasty) than oranges.
    I think that bananas are TASTIER than oranges.
  • The Nile is (long) river in the world.
    The Nile is THE LONGEST river in the world.
  • It was a very bad mistake. It was (bad) I’ve ever made.
    It was a very bad mistake. It was THE WORST I’ve ever made.
  • It’s a very good film. It’s (good) I’ve ever seen.
    It’s a very good film. It’s THE BEST I’ve ever seen.
  • What animal has got the (long) tail? -- The *** has.
    What animal has got the LONGEST tail? -- The GIRAFFE has.
  • The new doll is (beautiful) than the old one.
    The new doll is MORE BEAUTIFUL than the old one.
  • The elephant has got (big) ears.
    The elephant has got BIG ears.
  • My mum is (old) than (I/me), but (young) than my grandma. Grandma is (old), I am (young).
    My mum is OLDER than ME, but YOUNGER than my grandma. Grandma is THE OLDEST, I am THE YOUNGEST.
  • My room is (clean) than Sam’s room, but (messy) than Pam’s room. Sam’s room is (messy).
    My room is CLEANER than Sam’s room, but MESSIER than Pam’s room. Sam’s room is THE MESSIEST.
  • The book "Peter Pan" is (interesting) than "Three Little Pigs".
    The book "Peter Pan" is MORE INTERESTING than "Three Little Pigs".
  • There is no place (good) than home.
    There is no place BETTER than home.
  • Swan’s neck is (long) than duck’s neck, but (short) than giraffe’s neck. Giraffe’s neck is (long)
    Swan’s neck is LONGER than duck’s neck, but SHORTER than giraffe’s neck. Giraffe’s neck is THE LONGEST.
  • Sidney is (large) city in Australia.
    Sidney is THE LARGEST city in Australia.
  • The dog is (fast) than the hedgehog, but (slow) than the horse. The dog is (fast). The hedgehog is (slow).
    The dog is FASTER than the hedgehog, but SLOWER than the horse. The dog is THE FASTEST. The hedgehog is THE SLOWEST.
  • I think swimming is (interesting) than football.
    I think swimming is MORE INTERESTING than football.
  • I think table tennis is (boring) than running.
    I think table tennis is MORE BORING than running.
  • It was a very happy day. It was (happy) in my life.
    It was a very happy day. It was THE HAPPIEST in my life.
  • Who is (tall) person in your family?
    Who is THE TALLEST person in your family?
  • The giraffe has got a (long) neck.
    The giraffe has got a LONG neck.
  • Everest is (high) mountain in the world.
    Everest is THE HIGHEST mountain in the world.
  • Ivan is (happy) boy that I know.
    Ivan is THE HAPPIEST boy that I know.
  • What’s (dangerous) animal in the world?
    What’s THE MOST DANGEROUS animal in the world?
  • The car is (comfortable) than the underground.
    The car is MORE COMFORTABLE than the underground.
  • Alaska is (large) state in the USA.
    Alaska is THE LARGEST state in the USA.
  • Who is (famous) singer in your country?
    Who is THE MOST FAMOUS singer in your country?
  • The dolphin is (clever) animal in the world.
    The dolphin is THE CLEVEREST animal in the world.
  • Jupiter is (large) planet in the solar system.
    Jupiter is THE LARGEST planet in the solar system.
  • The tape worm is (long) animal in the world.
    The tape worm is THE LONGEST animal in the world.
  • An iPhone is (expensive) than a smartphone, but (cheap) than a computer. A computer is (expensive).
    An iPhone is MORE EXPENSIVE than a smartphone, but CHEAPER than a computer. A computer is THE MOST EXPENSIVE.
  • The blue whale is (large) animal in the world.
    The blue whale is THE LARGEREST animal in the world.
  • Nuf-Nuf’s house is (good) than Nif-Nif’s, but (bad) than Naf-Naf’s. Naf-Naf’s house is (good).
    Nuf-Nuf’s house is BETTER than Nif-Nif’s, but WORSE than Naf-Naf’s. Naf-Naf’s house is THE BEST.
  • She got (big) cake in the shop.
    She got THE BIGGEST cake in the shop.