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  • When he gets up this morning, he played games again.
    No.... When he GOT up this morning, he played games again.
  • What is t he correct order?... my first / I got / bike when / I was six / .
    I got my first bike when I was six.
  • I saw she with it on her way home.
    No... I saw HER with it on her way home.
  • What is the correct order?..... 30 when / she was / her first baby / she had /
    She was 30 when she had her first baby.
  • What is the correct order?..... I was / he told me / his age. / amazed when / .
    I was amazed when he told me his age.
  • Sir Isaac Newton DISCOVERED / WON gravity nearly three centuries ago.
  • Sally was happy when she gets her new computer yesterday.
    No. Sally was happy when she GOT her new computer yesterday
  • Sally and her son are good friends. I saw them this morning.
    YES !
  • William Shakespeare WROTE / INVENTED Romeo and Juliet between 1594 and 1595.
  • When she takes it home, her son played games for hours.
    No.... When she TOOK it home, her son played games for hours.
  • My father was born in England, but he ______ in New York City