
CS 10 DHP Exam Review

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  • Defending human dignity and protecting human rights defines which term?
    Social Justice
  • What is penance?
    Actions to bring us back into harmony with God and the people our sin has hurt
  • name 1 of the 7 principles of Catholic Social Teaching and explain what it means
    1) Life and Dignity 2)Preferential Option 3)Solidarity 4)Dignity of work 5)Care for the Earth 6)Rights/Responsibilities 7) Call to family, comm, participation
  • A special right/advantage only available to some and are typically unearned, defines what term?
  • An attitude or habit that leads us to do bad
  • How can mortal sins be forgiven?
    At the Sacrament of Reconciliation
  • What does mortal sin do to the grace in your soul?
    Kills it
  • What are the 3 components of the circle of action?
    Awareness, Analysis, and Action
  • There are 14 "Works of Mercy". The 7 Corporal Works of Mercy address people's ________ needs.
    Physical or bodily
  • What is absolution?
    God's forgiveness spoken through the priest during Reconciliation
  • Name 3 examples of "reverence for life" issues
    abuse, abortion, rape, murder, bullying, human trafficking, viiolence
  • Social conditions that allow for everyone to meet their basic needs and live up to their fullest potential defines...
  • We are free to choose, but what are we NOT free from?
    The consequences of our actions
  • What does contrition mean?
    To be truly sorry
  • Explain what "reverence for life" means
    To have the utmost respect and dignity for all life
  • What could be the cost of being a "Conscientious Objector"?
    beatings, jail, death
  • What is the difference between works of charity and works of justice?
    Charity is immediate relief (give a man a fish) and Justice works to change the unjust situation (teach a man to fish)
  • Explain the main message in the Parable of the Good Samaritan
    no matter who the other person is, if they need help we MUST help them
  • What word is being defined? Your inner judgment if something is good or evil.
  • This type of sin is very serious, done freely and with full knowledge that is it wrong
    Mortal sin
  • The 3 elements of action are object, _______ and __________
    intention and circumstance
  • An attitude or habit that leads us to do good
  • What does conversion mean (when it comes to reconciliation)?
    Having a change of heart
  • In our society, who could be considered "marginalized"?
    children, elderly, sick, disabled, homeless, addicts, immigrants, etc.
  • Whose will do we put about God's when we sin?
    our own
  • Who determines if something is moral or immoral
  • Poverty is not only economical. Name another type of poverty
    Relational/social or spiritual
  • Every human has equal __________
  • What is a venial sin?
    a less serious sin than mortal sin
  • The 7 Themes of Catholic Social Teaching call us to address what?
    Social Injustices
  • We are made in the _______ and __________ of God
    image and likeness
  • Explain what "the end does not justify the means" means
    You can never do evil actions to get a good result (Robin Hood was in the wrong)
  • mental or moral qualities unique to an individual (similar to personality)
  • Complying with the will of another who has authority
  • This words sums up the reality that all humans have equal and immeasurable worth and value
  • What does conscientious objection (or civil disobedience) mean?
    We must refuse to follow and work to change unjust laws
  • What is one thing you learned from "Living on $1"?
    answers will vary
  • A deliberate act against God in word, deed, or thought defines...
  • TRUE OR FALSE. Our actions always affect other people.
  • What does marginalization mean?
    to be excluded from the group, left out, sent away, ignored