
Initial /r/ words

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  • Robot
    The robot could walk and talk.
  • Rice
    I like to eat rice with my stir-fried vegetables.
  • Race
    Let's have a race to see who can run the fastest.
  • Red
    The red apple on the tree is ready to be picked.
  • Rug
    Sit on the cozy rug while you listen to the story.
  • Rat
    There's a little rat running across the field.
  • Rocket
    The rocket went into the sky and left a trail of smoke.
  • Rip
    I  ripped my drawing paper while erasing.
  • Rake
    Use the rake to gather the leaves into a big pile.
  • River
    The river flowed gently through the forest
  • Rock
    We found a shiny rock near the river.
  • Road
    Always look both ways before crossing the road.
  • Rainbow
    There's a beautiful rainbow.
  • Ring
    She wore a shiny silver ring on her finger.
  • Run
    Let's run and play tag in the park!
  • Ride
    Let's ride our bikes to the park and have a picnic.
  • Rope
    Can you tie a knot in this rope?
  • Rabbit
    We saw a cute rabbit hopping in the garden.
  • Rose
    I gave my mom a red rose for her birthday.
  • Recess
    I can't wait for recess to play on the swings and slides.
  • Ruler
    Use a ruler to draw a straight line on your paper.
  • Right
    Turn right at the stop sign to find the playground.
  • Rain
    It might rain later.
  • Read
    It's important to read every day to become a better reader.