
Outdoor activities- brainy 6,unit 8, lesson 1

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  • Wykonywać czynności z odpowiedzialnym dorosłym
    do the activities with a responsible adult
  • Strój do kąpieli/pianka do kąpieli
  • What is this person doing?
    going fishing
  • Going snorkelling isn't as (łatwe) as I thought.
  • What are you wearing?
    a helmet
  • Exploring a cave is very (trudne).
  • What are those?
    protective clothes
  • Ride a ____________
    quad bike
  • Going whale wathcing is very (nudny).
  • What equipment do you need to explore a cave?
    Possible answers: a torch/ a helmet/ googles.
  • Is this activity called ''going scuba diving''?
    Yes, it is.
  • I had (zabawa) while riding a quad bike.
  • Is it (bezpieczne) to do a sky dive?
  • Sleep in ______________
    a tent
  • What is cheaper? sleeping in a tent or riding a quad bike?
    sleeping in a tent
  • What are they doing?
    They are going whale watching
  • Podejmować ryzyko
    Take the risk
  • Stay in a ______________
  • Who are they swimming with?
  • How many people are doing a skydive in this picture?
    Just one person.
  • This adventure activity is (niebezpieczny).
  • Słuchać poleceń/instrukcji.
    listen to the instructions
  • How do you call this activity?
    climbing a mountain
  • What is more expensive- going scuba diving or going snorkelling?
    going scuba diving
  • What is this activity?
    going snorkelling