
present continuous

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  • stand
    He is standing up.
  • meet
    I am meeting my friends tonight.
  • give
    They are giving presents.
  • take
    He is taking the money.
  • drink
    She is drinking something.
  • feel
    He is feeling happy.
  • do
    He is doing his homework.
  • cut
    It is cutting the cucumber.
  • build
    They are building a house.
  • think
    I am thinking.
  • spend
    He is spending his money on nothing.
  • swim
    He is swimming in the pool.
  • buy
    I am buying.
  • hit
    The bull is hitting the rabbit.
  • come
    I am coming :)
  • run
    They are running after him.
  • read
    He is reading a book.
  • sit
    The dog is sitting down.
  • leave
    Sponge Bob is leaving.
  • get
    He is getting out of there.
  • make
    He is making breakfast.
  • sleep
    The dog is sleeping now.
  • speak
    He is speaking.
  • eat
    He is eating everything.
  • write
    He is writing.
  • put
    He is putting everything back.
  • lose
    She is losing the game.