
Earthscraper video

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  • What country considered building an undersea earthscraper?
  • What is "The Tube" in London
    The subway
  • What kind of water poses the biggest threat to earthscrapers?
    groundwater seepage
  • True or False: The number of deaths caused by air pollution in the EU is increasing
  • What city already has a 20 mile long underground network of structures (mostly malls) called Reso?
    Montreal, Canada
  • What is "urban sprawl"?
    The spreading out cities
  • What was the name of the proposed underground public space in New York?
  • NAme one of the cities displayed at the very beginning of the video.
    Bogota, Karachi, London, Kuala Lumpur, Los Angeles
  • What is the name of the region or city in Turkey mentioned in the video where subterrainean cities existed long ago?
    Cappadocia. Derinkuyu
  • What does subterranean mean?
    Something that exists under the surface of the earth
  • Skyscrapers consume up to what percentage more energy than other buildings?
  • How deep is the propsed earthscraper in Mexico city?
    300 meters
  • About what percentage of threatened animals are due to habitat loss?
  • Name two of the threats to earthscrapers
    Groundwater seepage, flooding, earthquakes
  • What is the meaning of the word "behemoth"?
    Something giant
  • What percentage of people are predicted to live in cities by 2050?
  • What is an earthscraper?
    a building that stretches far underground
  • How many hours does the average American spend stuck in traffic every year?
  • What percentage fewer bee species are there now since 1990?
  • What is the name of the central square in Mexico City where their earthscraper is propsed?
  • How many premature deaths are caused by air pollution in urban areas of the EU every year?
  • Name a benefit of green areas in urban areas.
    Better air quality, better mental health, exercise opportunities
  • How many levels is the proposed earthscraper in Mexico City?
  • How much is the propsed earthscraper in Mexico city expected to cost?