
The Present Simple vs Present Continuous Project ...

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  • Choose the correct tense form. I think we should give him some money. Do you agree/Are you agreeing?
    Do you agree?
  • Choose the correct tense form. What does this article say/is this article saying about our school?
    What does this article say
  • Say if the sentence is right or wrong. If it is wrong, correct it. Ted is training a lot for the badminton championship at the moment.
    It's right.
  • Choose the correct tense form. The flowers in the vase look/are looking pretty.
  • Choose the correct tense form. They're/'re being very noisy! We don't usually hear them.
    're being
  • Choose the correct tense form. Look out! The little girl walks/is walking towards the road.
    is walking
  • Say if the sentence is right or wrong. If it is wrong, correct it. Suzy never does the washing up.
    It's right.
  • Choose the correct tense form. What are you thinking/do you think about?
    What are you thinking about?
  • Say if the sentence is right or wrong. If it is wrong, correct it. Sometimes we are cooking in the garden.
    It's wrong. cook
  • Choose the correct tense form. My computer weighs/is weighing less than a kilo.
  • Choose the correct tense form. Jenny and I meet/'re meeting for coffee every Sunday morning.
  • Choose the correct tense form. Oscar has/is having difficulties with his room-mate this week.
    is having
  • Say if the sentence is right or wrong. If it is wrong, correct it. The sun doesn't shine at the moment.
    It's wrong. isn't shining
  • Say if the sentence is right or wrong. If it is wrong, correct it. The snow melts quickly now that spring has started.
    It's wrong. is melting
  • Choose the correct tense form. This is belonging/belongs to my brother.
  • Complete the sentence with the correct form of the present tense. Use the verb in brackets. I usually _____ what to wear once I see what the weather is like. (decide)
  • Say if the sentence is right or wrong. If it is wrong, correct it. Your phone is ringing at least once an hour!
    It's wrong. rings
  • Complete the sentence with the correct form of the present tense. Use the verb in brackets. Bananas ____ in countries with a topical climate. (grow)
  • Choose the correct tense form. What do you think/are you thinking of our new teacher?
    do you think?
  • Say if the sentence is right or wrong. If it is wrong, correct it. Do you still wait for your friend? It's nearly six o'clock.
    It's wrong. Are you still waiting?
  • Choose the correct tense form. I'm really sorry, but I don't understand/'m not understanding.
    don't understand
  • Choose the correct tense form. I often think/am thinking about our last holiday.
  • Choose the correct tense form. You seem/'re seeming very happy today!
  • Complete the sentence with the correct form of the present tense. Use the verb in brackets. The three o'clock train _____ from here. (leave)
  • Complete the sentence with the correct form of the present tense. Use the verb in brackets. I _____ a haircut on Friday. (have)
    am having
  • Complete the sentence with the correct form of the present tense. Use the verb in brackets. Milly ______ this week. (not train)
    isn't training
  • Say if the sentence is right or wrong. If it is wrong, correct it. We go surfing on the lake in the summer.
    It's right.
  • Choose the correct tense form. My friends own/'re owning this restaurant.
  • Complete the sentence with the correct form of the present tense. Use the verb in brackets. This drink _____ fruit juice. (not contain)
    doesn't contain.
  • Choose the correct tense form. Ted's collecting/collects stamps.
  • Complete the sentence with the correct form of the present tense. Use the verb in brackets. We often ______ in the dining room. (eat)
  • Choose the correct tense form. This food tastes/is tasting delicious.
  • Choose the correct tense form. I need/'m needing more time.
  • Say if the sentence is right or wrong. If it is wrong, correct it. My father hates shopping in the supermarket.
    It's right.
  • Say if the sentence is right or wrong. If it is wrong, correct it. Grandpa often is sitting his his armchair.
    It's wrong. sits
  • Choose the correct tense form. I'm not sure if this word exists/is existing.
  • Complete the sentence with the correct form of the present tense. Use the verb in brackets. My grandparents ____ us at weekends. (visit)
  • Complete the sentence with the correct form of the present tense. Use the verb in brackets. My dad _____ my bike at the moment. (repair)
    is repairing
  • Complete the sentence with the correct form of the present tense. Use the verb in brackets. My computer lessons ______ difficult. (get)
    are getting
  • Choose the correct tense form. I don't believe/'m not believing you.
    don't believe