
Comparatives A2

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  • The traffic is / bad at 8.30 / at 9.30
    The traffic is worse at 8.30 than 9.30.
  • French / easy to learn / Russian
    French is easier to learn than Russian.
  • Belgium is / hot / France.
    Belgium is hotter than France.
  • Sophie plays tennis / well / Emily.
    Sophie plays tennis better than Emily.
  • Jason gets up / early / his wife.
    Jason gets up earlier than his wife.
  • Claire works / hard / Sally
    Claire works harder than Sally.
  • Life in the city is / stressful / life in the country.
    Life in the city is more stressful than life in the country.
  • Surfing is / exciting / fishing.
    Surfing is more exciting than fishing.
  • Harry writes / quickly / Paul
    Harry writes more quickly than Paul.
  • Sydney is / far from London / Delhi.
    Sydney is further from London than Delhi.