
Letters and Numbers

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  • Which numbers come next in the pattern? 10, 20, __, __
    30, 40
  • Which numbers come next in the pattern? 2, 4, 6, 8, __, __, __
    10, 12, 14
  • What is a word that rhymes with "bed?"
    Shed, head, lead, dead...
  • Using a double ten frame and counters, build the number 12.
    One whole ten frame filled in with 2 additional single counters
  • Sort the teddy bears in two different ways.
    Sort bears by size and color.
  • Which is less, 3 or 7?
  • Match these upper and lower case letters in correct pairs. G, Q, T, E, L, e, g, q, t, l
    Correctly paired letters.
  • What letter is making the ending sound in the words man, tan, and ran?
  • What is a word that starts with "P"?
    Pig, puppy, pool...
  • Draw a picture or build a model showing how many you get when you put 5 and 2 together.
  • Draw a picture or build a model showing how many you get when you take 4 away from 9.
  • Draw a period, question mark, and exclamation point.
    . ? !
  • Draw the lowercase matching letters for these uppercase letters. F, H, R
    f, h, r
  • Draw a triangle, square, circle, and rhombus.
    Correctly drawn shapes
  • What are four words that start with "B?""
    Blue, ball, balloon, baby, boy
  • Which is greater, 5 or 8?
  • What is the middle sound you hear in the words mad, sad, and glad?
  • How many syllables do you hear in these words? Computer, banana, buffalo, dinosaur
  • Using a double ten frame and counters, build the number 16.
    One whole ten frame filled in with 6 additional single counters
  • What does the author of a book do? What does the illustrator do?
    The author writes the words and the illustrator draws the pictures.
  • What are the "characters" in a story? What is the "setting?"
    Characters are the people, animals, or objects the story is about. Setting is where it takes place.
  • What are two numbers you can put together to make 10?
    7 and 3, 5 and 5, 4 and 6, 9 and 1, 8 and 2
  • Draw a picture showing a circle above a square and a triangle beside a rhombus.
    Correctly drawn picture with shapes in correct positions.
  • Read these sight words: the, an, you, to, my
    The, an, you, to, my