
Simple Present with To Be

  •   0%
  •  0     0     0

  • we / drive / a bus (+)
    We drive a bus.
  • I / play / tennis (+)
    I play tennis.
  • we / be / Americans (-)
    We aren't Americans.
  • I / play / football (?)
    Do I play football?
  • I / be / your student (?)
    Am I your student?
  • Sam / study / German (?)
    Does Sam study German.
  • the pens / be / red and yellow (-)
    The pens aren't red and yellow.
  • she / watch / TV (-)
    She doesn't watch TV.
  • Sam / study / French (+)
    Sam studies French.
  • they / be / students (+)
    They are students.
  • this cellphone / be / yours (?)
    Is this cellphone yours?
  • Alan / like / apples (+)
    Alan likes apples.
  • my dad / wash / the car (-)
    My dad doesn't wash the car.
  • the doctor / be / working now (+)
    The doctor is working now.
  • my dad / clean / the floor (?)
    Does my dad clean the floor?
  • the dog / eat / meat (-)
    The dog doesn't eat meat.
  • he / meet / the teacher today (+)
    He meets the teacher today.
  • we / drive / a truck (-)
    We don't drive a truck.
  • Alan / like / pears (-)
    Alan doesn't like pears.
  • you / have / kids (?)
    Do you have kids?