
At the supermarket

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  • Where can I find the pretzels? -Go down .............. 3
  • How do you call this section?
    deli counter
  • My kids love milk and yogurt, so we buy a lot from the ........... section
  • There’s a long line at the ....................., so I decided to go to the self checkout
    checkout counter
  • If you’re buying a lot of food, you should use a .............., not a basket.
    shopping cart/ A cart/ A buggy
  • I need to pick up some fresh bread from the ................
  • to put the code on the item in front of the laser so that it beeps
    to scan
  • In some states, you need to go to a .............. to buy wine and beer, too
    liquor store
  • Can I help you? -Yes, I’m ............... for a the produce section
  • What's the opposite of frozen food?
    Fresh food
  • How do you say ''em promoção''?
    on sale
  • Watch for cars as you walk through the ........................
    Parking Lot
  • How do you say ''comida congelada''?
    Frozen food
  • How do you call the foods close to the checkout counter?
  • How do you say ''Nós já precisamos comprar mais leite?''
    Do we need to get some more milk already?
  • The food on the .................. moves toward the check out lady
    conveyor belt
  • a common question when you’re checking out: PAPER OR ..........?
  • How do you say ''a venda''?
    For sale
  • a card that gives you discounts at a store
    Membership/ Discount/ Loyalty card
  • a common question when you’re checking out: CASH OR .........?
  • You should put fresh .................. in the fridge to make it last longer.
  • doors that move without touching them
    Automatic doors