
Animal Habitats

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  • What is it and where does it live?
    A bee lives in a hive.
  • What is it and where does it live?
    A frog lives in a pond.
  • What is it and where does it live?
    A red panda lives in a tree.
  • What is it and where does it live?
    A turtle lives in the ocean.
  • What is it and where does it live?
    A cow lives on a farm.
  • What is it and where does it live?
    A bear lives in a cave.
  • What is it and where does it live?
    A squirrel lives in the woods.
  • What is it and where does it live?
  • What is it and where does it live?
    A human lives in a house.
  • What is it and where does it live?
    A swan lives in a lake,
  • What is it and where does it live?
    A bird lives in a nest.