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  • Jane and her children were at home. Where ... ?
    Where were Jane and her children?
  • This monkey has got one daughter. How many... ?
    How many daughters has this monkey got?
  • We could ride an elephant. What...
    What could you do?/ What could you ride?
  • These kittens can read books. What... ?
    What can these kittens do?
  • I have got five dogs. How many... ?
    How many dogs have I got?
  • The dogs are at home. General question
    Are the dogs at home?
  • This monkey has got one daughter. General question
    Has this monkey got one daughter?
  • They will be five years old next year. General question
    Will they be five years old next year?
  • The bear is green. General question
    Is the bear green?
  • He often helped his Mom. Whom... ?
    Whom did he often help?
  • The dogs are at home. Where... ?
    Where are the dogs?
  • He often helped his Mom. General question
    Did he often help his Mom?
  • Jane and her children were at home. General question
    Were Jane and her children at home?
  • My name is John. General question
    Is your name John?
  • The crocodile has got the sun in his mouth. General question
    Has the crocodile got the sun in his mouth?
  • My name is John. What ... ?
    What is your name?
  • We could ride an elephant. General question
    Could you ride an elephant?
  • The bear is green. What colour ...?
    What colour is the bear?
  • I have got five dogs. General question
    Have I got five dogs?
  • These kittens can read books. General question
    Can these kittens read books?
  • The crocodile has got the sun in his mouth. What... ?
    What has the crocodile got in his mouth?
  • They will be five years old next year. How old... ?
    How old will they be next year?