
The Industrial Revolution in Spain

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  • Where did the factory workers live?
    The lived in slums.
  • Small workshops could not supply all the goods people needed. So what place used machines to produce more goods?
    Factories had machines and produced more than workshops.
  • In the 19th century, society was divided into three social classes based on what?
  • Who was apart of the upper class in 19th century society?
    Aristocrats and bourgeois made up the wealthy upper class.
  • What new resistant crops came from America?
    Potatoes and Corn
  • Who was considered middle class during the 19th century?
    Small merchants, landowners, and professionals such as doctors, lawyers, and engineers.
  • What was the role of men, women, boys, and girls in 19th century upper class society?
    Men took care of their businesses and Women stayed at home. Boys went to school but girls were taught at home by a governess.
  • What were the slums like?
    They were close to the factories. They were dark and damp (húmedo). They had no running water. Often whole families lived in one room.
  • Who were the bourgeois?
    The bourgeois were factory owners, prosperous merchants, and bankers. They lived in luxurious houses in the cities. They also employed servants.
  • When did the Industrial Revolution take place in Spain?
    It took place in the 19th century.
  • During the 19th century did the quality of life improve?
    Yes, it did improve.
    No, it didn't improve.
  • What invention started the Industrial revolution and what did it do?
    The steam engine. It used coal as fuel and powered all the machines in the factory with steam.
  • What is an aristocrat?
    An aristocrat is a noble who owns large areas of land.
  • Where and when did the Industrial Revolution originate?
    It originated in the United Kingdom in the 18th century.
  • Factory workers wanted better working conditions. What did they do at the end of the 19th century?
    They joined together in groups called labour unions and participated in strikes (huelgas) and demonstrations.
  • How many hours a day did the factory workers work?
    They worked more than 12 hours a day for very low wages.
  • What people were considered lower class?
    poor people, peasants, and factory workers
  • What kind of changes took place during the Industrial Revolution?
    Economic and Social Changes
  • During the Industrial Revolution, vaccines and the importance of hygiene were discovered. This meant that people were healthier and lived longer. Did this make the population increase or decreas?
    The population decreased.
    The population increased.
  • Where did the peasants live and work?
    The lived in the countryside and worked on the land of large landowners. Many moved to the cities to work in factories.
  • Before the Industrial Revolution, how were machines powered?
    They were powered by people, animals, wind, or water.