
Art Theft Vocab 2

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  • metal rings joined by a chain and locked around a person's wrists A. (handcuffs) B. (reminder) C. (found)
    A. handcuffs
  • something to make you notice or remember A. (disguise) B. (reminder) C. (notoriously)
    B. reminder
  • with no delay A. (smash) B. (immediately) C. (found)
    B. immediately
  • to break something into many pieces A. (warrant) B. (knock) C. (smash)
    C. smash
  • an event or activity that is organized to celebrate something A. (reminder) B. (festivity) C. (disguise)
    B. festivity
  • to purchase or come to possess something A. (festivity) B. (professional) C. (acquire)
    C. acquire
  • widely known for something bad A. (eventually) B. (robbery) C. (notoriously)
    C. notoriously
  • the crime of stealing A. (knock) B. (reminder) C. (robbery)
    C. robbery
  • after a long time A. (eventually) B. (acquire) C. (professional)
    A. eventually
  • to start something like an organization, company,etc. A. (found) B. (acquire) C. (notoriously)
    A. found
  • a legal document from a court that allows police to do something A. (immediately) B. (warrant) C. (knock)
    B. warrant
  • to change one's appearance to look like someone else. A. (disguise) B. (knock) C. (warrant)
    A. disguise
  • Being trained or especially good at one's work. A. (acquire) B. (eventually) C. (professional)
    C. Professional
  • to hit a door or window with your hand to get someone's attention A. (found) B. (eventually) C. (knock)
    C. knock