
Physical Remains (Bones)

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  • Is this pelvis from a Female or a Male?
  • Name 2 features unique to the FEMALE PELVIS
    Wider, shorter, large circular pelvic opening, wider pubic arch (angle), and a wider, shorter, curved sacrum.
  • Is this skull from African, Asian, or European ancestry?
  • Is this pelvis from a Female or a Male?
  • What 2 bones can be used to calculate the approximate height of a person?
    The humerus and femur
  • What is the best way to determine the age of a victim using physical remains?
    Looking at their teeth
  • Give the names of the 2 SHORT bones
    Carpals & Tarsals
  • Give the names of at least 3 LONG bones
    Humerus, radius, ulna, metacarpals, phalanges, femur, tibia, fibula, metatarsals
  • Is this skull from African, Asian, or European ancestry?
  • Name 2 features unique to the MALE PELVIS
    Narrower, taller, large heart-shaped pelvic opening, narrower pubic arch (angle), and a longer, straighter sacrum.
  • Is this skull from a Male or Female?
  • Name 2 features unique to the MALE SKULL
    Smaller orbits, larger overall, sloping forehead, larger brow ridge, larger zygomatic & mandible bones, square chin, large mastoid process, acute angled jaw.
  • Is this skull from African, Asian, or European ancestry?
  • Is this skull from a Male or a Female?
  • Name 2 features unique to the FEMALE SKULL
    Larger orbits, smaller overall, more vertical forehead, smaller zygomatic, mandible, & brow ridge, pointed chin, wide angled jaw, shallow mastoid process