
3rd conditional

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  • Make a sentence with the third conditional
    If I hadn't stepped on the ice, I wouldn't have fallen over
  • If Hazel ____ (not meet) Gus, she ____ (not visit) Amsterdam.
    If Hazel hadn't met Gu, she wouldn't have visited Amsterdam.
  • I didn't have any money, so I decided to go to the bank: If/ I/ have/ some money, I/ not go/ to the bank
    If I had had some money, I wouldn't have gone to the bank.
  • Make sentence using the 3rd conditional
    If the snake had been bigger, I would have felt scared.
  • Make a sentence using the 3rd conditional.
    If she hadn't dunk so much last night, she wouldn't have overslept
  • Make a sentence with the third conditional
    If I had learned to cook, I wouldn't have destroyed my kitchen.
  • I woke up at 9.30 and I missed the bus: If I/ wake up/ earlier, I/ catch/ the bus
    If I had woken up earlier, I would have caught the bus
  • If I had listened to my parents....
    .....I would have become a doctor
  • ......we wouldn't have been so late.
    If we had taken a taxi....
  • If/ my friend/ not call, I/ stay/ at home/ last night
    If my friend hadn't called, I would have stayed at home last night.
  • Make a sentence in the third conditional-
    If he had worn a hat, he wouldn't have looked so stupid.
  • Make a sentence in the third conditional. If he hadn't......, he wouldn't have....
    If he hadn't tried to hide from the police, he wouldn't have got stuck in the bin.
  • Make a sentence using the 3rd conditional.
    If he had known the snow was so deep, he wouldn't have jumped.
  • When we got to the cinema, the film was sold out, so we went to McDonald's: If/ the film/ not be/ sold out, we/ not go/ to McDonalds
    If the film hadn't been sold out, we wouldn't have gone to McDonald's.
  • Make a sentence in the third conditional:
    If we hadn't played volleyball with the baby, she would still have been alive.
  • The party was really boring, so I went home early: If the party had been more interesting, I ______
    If the party had been more interesting, I wouldn't have gone home so early.
  • I only married him because he was rich: If he hadn't been rich, I __________
    If he hadn't been rich, I wouldn't have married him.
  • If you ____ (listen) to me, we _____ (not get) lost.
    If you had listened to me, we wouldn't have got lost.
  • I didn't know we were studying grammar today, so I came to class: If I/ knew/ we/ study grammar, I/ "forget"/ come/ to class
    If I had know we were studying grammar, I would have "forgotten" to come to class.
  • Make a sentence with the third conditional
    If you had done more exercise, you wouldn't have had a heart attack.
  • If you hadn't left the window open, ....
    ..the cat wouldn't have escaped.
  • Make a sentence using the 3rd conditional.
    If I had known how spicy it was, I would have ordered something else.
  • Make a sentence using the 3rd conditional.
    If I hadn't joined that gang of hamsters, I wouldn't be in here.
  • Make a sentence with the third conditional
    If you had looked at the map, this wouldn't have happened
  • If the hero ____ (not rescue) them, they ______(died).
    If the hero hadn't rescued them, they would have died.
  • I ate too much chocolate, and I didn't sleep all night.
    If I hadn't eaten so much chocolate, I would have slept all night.
  • If Vladimir ___ (not catch) so many fish last weekend......
    .....he would have eaten macaroni for dinner instead.
  • Make a sentence with the third conditional
    If you hadn't annoyed the elephant, it wouldn't have eaten you.
  • If I _____ (know) it was your birthday, I would have bought you a present.
    If I had know it was your birthday, I would have bought you a present.
  • If Susan hadn't come to the class tonight.....
    ......we would have celebrated
  • Make a sentence with the third conditional
    If he had put on some clothes, the police wouldn't have arrested him.
  • I didn't study for the exam, so I didn't pass: If I/ study more, I/ pass/ the exam
    If I had studied more, I would have passed the exam.