
High School Idioms

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  • the last straw
    the last thing of a number of bad things that makes you loose your patience
  • on the ball
    alert and quick to react and get things done
  • pulling my leg
    tease or joke around with someone
  • call it a day
    stop what you are doing for the rest of the day
  • "Martha decided to throw caution to the wind and drive over the speed limit. What does throw caution to the wind
    To stop caring, to do something daring, to take a risk
  • cutting corners
    doing something that is easier, cheaper, or quicker
  • break a leg
    good luck
  • go back to the drawing board
    start thinking of a new plan
  • go on a wild goose chase
    go on a search that won't lead to anything
  • under the weather
  • speak of the devil
    person you were talking about unexpectedly showed up
  • open a can of worms
    starting or saying something that will cause a difficult situation
  • get bent out of shape
    get mad
  • "Sorry to rain on your parade, but I don't think we will be able to make it to the movie."
    To spoil someone's plan/prevent someone from enjoying themselves.
  • don't put all your eggs in one basket
    don't count on just one thing - make sure you have a backup plan
  • it's not rocket science
    it's really easy
  • in the dog house
    in trouble
  • a dime a dozen
    not worth anything
  • bite the bullet
    just do it
  • "I have $500 in my account that is saved for a rainy day." What does saved for a rainy day
    Saved for tough times or put aside money for the future time if it is needed.
  • hit the sack
    go to bed