
Review of using PP of verbs

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  • My parents/hug me/ punch me
    My parents have hugged me, but they haven't punched me.
  • Ellie? Yes
    Has Ellie climbed a mountain before? Yes, she has.
  • My grandmother/ride bicycle/ride camel
    My grandmother has ridden a bicycle, but she hasn't ridden a camel.
  • My uncle/ meet President/meet Mike
    My uncle has met the president, but he hasn't met Mike.
  • Lilly and Kai? Yes
    Have Lilly and Kai kissed before? Yes, they have.
  • Kai/watch TV/watch movie
    Kai has watched TV, but he hasn't watched a movie.
  • My mom/give me money/give me homework
    My mom has given me money, but she hasn't given me homework.
  • Mike/ see pig/ see lion
    Mike has seen a pig, but he hasn't seen a lion.
  • Fiona? Yes
    Has Fiona jumped rope before? Yes, she has.
  • My parents? Yes
    Have my parents drunk beer before? Yes, they have.
  • My grandfather/go Russia/go North Korea
    My grandfather has gone to Russia, but he hasn't gone to North Korea.
  • My parents/make cake/make pizza
    My parents have made a cake, but they haven't made a pizza.
  • My family? No
    Has my family seen the pyramids before? No, we haven't.
  • I? No
    Have I eaten worms before? No, I haven't.
  • Mike? No
    Has Mike been/gone hiking before? No, he hasn't.
  • Kai? No
    Has Kai caught a ball before? No, he hasn't.
  • Lilly and Kai/pick nose/eat boogers
    Lily and Kai have picked their noses, but they haven't eaten their boogers.
  • Lilly/open door/close door
    Lilly has opened the door, but she hasn't closed the door.
  • Lilly? Yes
    Has Lilly drawn a picture before? Yes, she has.
  • Mike and Fiona? No
    Have Mike and Fiona fought before? No, they haven't.