
PR vocabulary revision

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  • Find antonyms to the following words: overanalyze, increase, underestimate
    not to bother, decrease, overestimate
  • Are you a perceptive person?Do you take everything close to heart?
    Your answer
  • Do you have a competition in your industry?
  • How to ensure that the new employee will be a good investment?
    Your idea
  • Translate the following sentence: Мы решили не браться за проект из-за связанных с этим огромных затрат.
    We chose not to undertake the project because of the enormous costs involved.
  • What is your opinion about the job of PR? Is it prestigious or not?
    Your opinion
  • Continue the following phrases and add 1 word (use same word only once): outbid....
    Your options
  • What events are the most important ones in life? Why?
    Your ideas
  • How can you promote the product? What can you use to do it?
    Billboard, target ads, emails, social media etc.
  • Translate the following phrases into English: рекламная компания, сообщение для прессы, увеличивать продажи
    advertising campaign, press release, increase sales