
Think in English

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  • Người tỉ mỉ
    A person who pays attention to detail
  • Kỳ quan thế giới
    Famous landmarks or natural phenomena that are considered to be exceptional and awe-inspiring
  • Anh tài hội ngộ
    A meeting which gathers a lot of talented people
  • Trời độ
    A situation when you make it by luck
  • Âm u
    A type of weather which is dark and makes it difficult to see
  • Đu trend
    An action you do to make sure that you follow the latest trends
  • Biến động
    A situation or circumstance that keeps changing
  • Làm màu
    An action you do to try to look good
  • Trụ cột gia đình
    A family member who provides stability and support for the rest of the family
  • Lầm tưởng tai hại
    A mistake that causes a lot of trouble
  • Toang
    A time when someone fails / messes things up
  • Người truyền cảm hứng
    A person who inspires others / makes others feel good about themselves
  • Người cầu toàn
    A person who wants everything to be perfect
  • Dìm hàng
    An action that makes someone feel bad about themselves
  • Xe xích lô
    A type of human-powered vehicle that has three wheels to carry people or goods
  • Cá tính riêng biệt
    A type of personality which is unique and makes you different
  • Vị trí chủ chốt
    A position which is very important
  • Thời thanh xuân
    The time when we are young
  • Nơi hẻo lánh
    A place where very few people live
  • Tuyệt tác
    A great work of art that attracts a lot of people