
Chapter 13: The Common Good

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  • 1 example of African Americans’ efforts to solve the problem of discrimination was....(3)
    They started businesses that supported, employed, or served African Americans.
  • The movement to solve various social, economic, and political problems through government action is...
  • Most Ojibwe were cheated out of their allotted land under the Dawes Act.
  • Unsafe drinking water in cities caused diseases that spread quickly and could infect many people.
  • What was one problem with health dangers?
    Diseases spread quickly in large cities and water sources were contaminated
  • What was the solution to votes for women?
    Women campaigned for suffrage, and in 1919 the state laws changed
  • What was the intention with the government opening American Indian boarding schools?
    Their intention was to encourage assimilation by preparing American Indian children for life away from the reservation
  • The right to vote is...
  • Forest fires in the late 1800’s and early 1900’s helped lead to forest conservation.
  • What was the solution to logging practices?
    Lawmakers enacted laws preventing forest fires and created the Office of Fire Commission
  • The married couple who actively fought against discrimination of African Americans in the Twin Cities was...
    Amanda and Thomas Lyles
  • The belief that people should work for social and political changes that benefit everyone is...
    The common good
  • 1 example of African Americans’ efforts to solve the problem of discrimination was....(1)
    They sued a hotel that refused to admit an African American man
  • New immigrants were forced to participate in programs at settlement houses.
  • By 1900, Minnesotan women had full voting rights.
  • The woman who became president of the Minnesota Woman Suffrage Association and fought for women’s right to vote in Minnesota was...
    Clara Ueland
  • American Indian students were sent to boarding schools, where they had to live away from their families and reservations.
  • What was the solution to railroad monopolies?
    The Justice Department sued him and the Supreme Court decided against him
  • What was the solution to health dangers?
    the State Board of Health promoted sanitation, Pure Food and Drug Act and meat inspection laws.
  • What was one problem with railroad monopolies?
    J. J. Hill wanted to merge 3 large railroad companies into 1
  • What was one problem with logging practices?
    The logging companies had left dry, over-cut land which started devastating forest fires
  • What was the problem with votes for women?
    By 1900, women could only vote for school and library board members
  • 1 example of African Americans’ efforts to solve the problem of discrimination was....(2)
    They began local branches of national organizations to promote and protect their rights, such as the NAACP.
  • Total control over the supply of a product or service in a certain market area is...