
Reviewer for P2 MEP

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  • Humans belong to _______ because they can move and grow.
    living things
  • All living things can _____ of body wastes. A. get rid B. change C. move
    A. get rid
  • The things that don’t have life is called ______.
    non-living things
  • Living things need _____ for breathing.
  • When living things are “changing in place”, they are _______. moving dying sleeping
  • Why do we grow plants in places with enough sunlight? 1. They need light for breathing. 2. They need light to make food. 3. They need light to move easily.
    2. They need light to make food.
  • What do you call the things that have life?
    living things
  • Why lion is an example of living thing? A. can protect his babies B. can make a noise C. can grow and breathe
    C. can grow and breathe
  • Plants and animals need this, we eat it. A. shelter B. food C. water
    B. food
  • To grow, plants need ______. A. food and water B. air and light C. all of the above
    C. all of the above
  • A _____ is something like a computer and other objects. A. living things B. non-living things C. surroundings
    B. non-living things
  • All living things can _____, some lay eggs and some have babies. A. get rid of body wastes B. reproduce C. change
    B. reproduce
  • People drink this. All plants and animals need it. A. food B. air C. water
    C. water
  • Which part of the flower is released into the air? A. stem B. seeds C. pollens
    C. pollens
  • Which is NOT important for plants to grow? 1. water 2. weeds 3. sunlight
    2. weeds
  • The pictures clearly show that ________. living things can have a baby living things have reaction
    living things can have a baby
  • Which statement is CORRECT? 1. Mary waters her plants during the hottest time of the day. 2. Lisa puts her plant where it can get light. 3. Jane adds coke to her plants everyday.
    2. Lisa puts her plant where it can get light.
  • A plant’s life cycle starts with a _____. A. flower B. seed C. roots
    B. seed
  • What kind of plant is this?
  • Which of the following is CORRECT? 1. Plants don’t need water. 2. Plants don’t need air. 3. Plants are example of living things.
    3. Plants are example of living things.
  • What will happen if plants get too much water? 1. Its leaves become dark green. 2. Its stalk turns yellow. 3. Its roots may rot and dry.
    2. Its stalk turns yellow.
  • The straight long part of the plant that comes out of the ground is called _____. A. roots B. leaves C. stem
    C. stem
  • What part of the plant is this?
  • All living things can ___, some walk, swim and jump. A. move B. grow C. waste
    A. move
  • Things are non-living or ________. A. living B. space C. change
    A. living
  • Rocks cannot breathe and grow; therefore, they belong to _________.
    non-living things
  • What is the picture showing? getting rid of body waste eating food taking a bath
    getting rid of body waste
  • Which plant part takes in water and minerals from the soil?
  • Which group is a non-living thing? A. fish, birds and trees B. books, pencils and erasers C. cats, dogs, tiger
    B. books, pencils and erasers
  • A dog is an example of a living thing. The picture shows that _________. living things have reaction living things get rid of body waste
    living things have reaction
  • All living things ___ and get bigger. A. move B. grow C. waste
    B. grow
  • What part of the plant makes food?
  • A _____ is the different parts of a living thing’s life as it grows and changes. A. life cycle B. changes C. movements
    A. life cycle
  • All the things around us is called our _________. 1. living things 2. non-living things 3. surroundings
    3. surroundings
  • What kind of plant is this?