
Passive Voice: Past Simple 1

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  • Manhattan island ______ for $ 24.
    was bought
    was buyed
    were buy
    was buy
  • We stopped the bus.
    The bus was stopped by we.
    The bus was stopped for us.
    The bus was stopped by us.
    The bus was stopped buy us.
  • Beyoncé _____ in 1974.
    was borned
    were born
    was born
    is born
  • The first phone call _______ in 1860.
    is made
    was made
    was make
    is make
  • The first car ________ in 1885.
    is created
    is create
    was created
    was create
  • The first book in English ________ in 1475.
    was print
    was printed
    is printe
    is printed
  • A thief stole my car.
    My car was stole by a thief
    My car were stolen by a thief
    My car were stole for a thief
    My car was stolen by a thief
  • The Cathedral / complete / in 1964
    The Cathedral was complete in 1561
    The Cathedral is completed in 1561
    The Cathedral was completed in 1561
    The Cathedral is complete in 1561
  • The TV _______ in 1925 ______.
    are created / by John Logie Baird
    was created / by John Logie Baird
    is created / by John Logie Baird
    were created / with John Logie Baird
  • Both the helicopter and the ballpoint pen ______ in the 1930s.
    were invented
    was invented
    are invented
    were invent
  • The first 3-D movies / make / in the 1950s
    The first 3-D movies were make in the 1950s
    The first 3-D movies were make in the 1950s
    The first 3-D movies was make in the 1950s
    The first 3-D movies were made in the 1950s
  • Hundreds of buoldings ______ in San Francisco fire.
    are destroyed
    is destroy
    were destroyed
    was destroyed
  • The passive voice of "He sang a song" is
    A song is sung by him.
    A song were sung by him.
    A song was sing by him.
    A song was sung by him.