
Simple Past Passive voice.

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  • Correct the mistake: Many dolphins was seen by the turists.
    Many dolphins WERE seen by the turists.
  • Jonathan planted a tree. (turn to passive)
    A tree was planted by Jonathan.
  • Correct the mistake: A flower bouquet was gave to Sarah for her birthday.
    A flower bouquet was GIVEN to Sarah for her birthday.
  • Someone stole my sister's wallet. (turn to passive)
    My sister's wallet was stolen. (by someone)
  • Correct the mistake: The Soccer team were received by the whole school.
    The Soccer team WAS received by the whole school.
  • People gave a standing ovation to the singer. (turn to passive)
    A standing ovation was given to the singer. (by people)
  • The dancers performed amazing dances. (turn to passive)
    Amazing dances were performed by dancers.
  • Correct the mistake: A thief was stolen by a bike.
    A BIKE was stolen by A THIEF.