
Superlative & comperative

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  • happy
    happy-happier-the happiest
  • bad
    bad-worse-the worst
  • short
    short-shorter-the shortest
  • fast
    fast-faster-the fastest
  • sad
    sad-sadder-the saddest
  • easy
    easy-easier-the easiest
  • beautiful
    beautiful-more beautiful-the most beautiful
  • big
    big-bigger-the biggest
  • fat
    fat-fatter-the fattest
  • expensive
    expensive-more expensive-the most expensive
  • long
    long-longer-the longest
  • scary
    scary-scarier- the scariest
  • boring
    boring-more boring-the most boring
  • small
    small-smaller-the smallest
  • slow
    slow-slower-the slowest
  • young
    young-younger-the youngest
  • hot
    hot-hotter-the hottest
  • clever
    clever-cleverer-the cleverest
  • popular
    popular-more popular-the most popular
  • tall
    tall-taller-the tallest
  • good
    good-better-the best
  • clean
    clean-cleaner-the cleanest
  • thin
    thin-thinner-the thinnest
  • interesting
    interesting-more interesting-the most interesting
  • dark
    dark-darker-the darkest
  • old
    old-older-the oldest
  • large
    large-larger-the largest
  • friendly
    friendly-friendlier-the friendliest
  • cold
    cold-colder-the coldest
  • noisy
    noisy-noisier-the noisiest
  • handsome
    handsome-more handsome- the most handsome
  • funny
    funny-funnier-the funniest
  • heavy
    heavy-heavier-the heaviest