
B1 prepositional phrases

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  • Si incendiéramos el insti no tendríamos que ir...
    If we set the school on fire we wouldn't have to go...
  • Llegué a clase a tiempo para estudiar los phrasal verbs
    I got to class in time to study phrasal verbs
  • + Are you jealous? - __________ ____ the situation... (dependiendo de)
    Depending on
  • Al menos no es un onvre...
    At least he's not an incel/stupid/bastard/asshole.
  • Jejejeje tengo que poner mi habitación en orden
    Heheheh I have to put my room in order
  • No hay nada en el cerebro de los onvres --> There's nothing ____ _____ inside an incel's brain.
    at all
  • Según mi madre estos pantalones son horribles.
    According to my mom these pants are awful.
  • Me cambié de sitio por error y tuve que aguantar a los que huelen mal...
    I changed my seat by accident and I had to put up with the ones that smell bad...
  • Al final todos/as son iguales.
    In the end they are all them same.
  • ¿cuánto queda para las vacaciones?
    ¿how long until we are on holiday?
  • Creo que nunca he estado enamorado/a/e...
    I think i've never been in love...
  • Parece que es tonto a propósito.
    It seems that he's stupid on purpose.
  • Me gustaba al principio, luego vi que era tonto.
    I liked him at first, then I realized he was a dumbass.
  • Le tiré un vaso de agua por accidente a la pick me que me cae mal :)
    I dropped a glass of water on the girl I hate (by accident :)
  • A lot of us don't like men _________ ____ how dumb they are sometimes.
    because of
  • Canción de Justin Bieber de hace mil años que se llama "siempre y cuando me ames"
    As long as you love me
  • ¡Al final le he escrito!
    I've texted her/him at last!