
CS 20 unit 3

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  • To be a peacemaker means
    To solve problems non-violently
  • Why are the Beatitudes difficult to live out?
    Because they make us pay attention to other people’s problems
  • Mary’s command at the Wedding Feast at Cana summarizes how to be a good disciple of Jesus.
    “Do what ever he tells you”
  • Is Mary a god?
  • To hunger and thirst for righteousness means
    To desire justice/to stand up to injustice
  • Blessed are the poor in spirit means…
    To admit that you need God
  • Who is known as “New Eve”?
  • Do the beatitudes always make us feel happy?
  • What is the “Immaculate Conception”?
    Mary was born without original sin
  • Blessed are those who mourn means
    To be empathetic and compassionate
  • God put ‘enmity’ between the serpent and the ‘woman’. What does enmity mean?
    Deep rooted hatred
  • Where did the Hail Mary come from?
    The Bible
  • Explain the purpose of watching the movie Shrek to learn about the Beatitudes
    Shrek points out you cannot be happy if you’re selfish. The beatitudes make you become unselfish and flip upside down our world-view
  • An act of disobedience brought sin into the world, an act of THIS destroyed sin
  • Why should we call Mary our mother?
    Because Jesus told us to/increase our relationship with Jesus
  • What does THEOTOKOS (in Greek) mean?
  • What does Lectio Divina mean?
    Divine reading
  • How is Lectio Divina different from randomly reading the Bible?
    We listen with the ears of our heart
  • What does being a Disciple of Jesus mean?
    Bring a follower of Jesus
  • In ancient Judaism, God was literally present in the Arc of the Covenant. When Mary is pregnant with Jesus, what does she actually become?
    An Arc
  • Name one of the steps of Lectio Divina in Latin or English
    Lectio/read Meditation/meditate Oratio/prayer Contempatio/contemplation
  • What was the nickname of Stained Glass windows?
    The poor man’s Bible
  • Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake means
    To be harmed for doing God’s will
  • What happened at the Annunciation?
    The angel Gabriel told Mary that she will bear Jesus
  • Jesus gives us these instructions to follow that will lead us to true happiness
    The 8 beatitudes
  • To be meek means
    To be kind and gentle
  • Genesis 3:15 is referred to as the Protoevangelium, what does it mean?
    The first Gospel or Good News
  • Blessed are the pure in heart means
    To do good and expect no thing in return