
Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass/ Voc ...

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  • Identify the following word pair as being either synonyms or antonyms: adopted/ followed
  • (noun) The public condemnation of something as wrong or evil.
  • She screamed again in agony as pain seared through her shoulder. The word agony means ...
  • She had bread and clothes for the needy. She would comfort every nearby mourner. Who is a mourner?
    A mourner is a person grieving over the death of a loved one.
  • As many of these as I could, I converted into teachers. Converted means....
    changed to a different role
  • Identify the following word pair as being either synonyms or antonyms: writhed/ struggled
  • Something that keeps its full force without decreasing is____________ (adjective)
  • Use what you know about the vocabulary words to answer the following question. If an innocent convict receives vindication, will he feel relieved or upset?
  • Douglass describes the nature of his mistress’s early behavior. QUESTION: Why is it significant that the mistress commenced to treat Douglass kindly?
    Her behavior in the beginning is in stark contrast to the way she treated him later. Douglass blames slavery for the terrible change in her.
  • A noun that means fear.
  • Out of prudence, Douglass declines to name the boys who helped him. QUESTION: Why was it prudent for Douglass not to name the boys?
    Because it was an “unpardonable offence” to teach slaves to read, Douglass doesn’t want the boys to suffer any consequences for helping him
  • : Douglass finds powerful vindication for human rights in Sheridan’s speeches. What the speeches might have said as a vindication of human rights?
    Most likely,the speeches expressed ideas similar to Douglass’s that it was wrong to “own”a person, and that it was right to treat all human beings with respect
  • In his reading, Douglass is glad to find a denunciation of slavery. Where in the text Douglass made a denunciation of his own against slavery?
    When Douglass talked with the white boys, he denounced slavery by saying “Have not I as good a right to be free as you have?”
  • The mistress seems to fear the sight of Douglass with a newspaper. QUESTION What does Douglass imply by saying that the mistress showed apprehension about his reading?
    He implies that she feared what might happen if slaves were to become literate and educated.
  • wretched means
    terribly unhappy
  • remedy is a synonym to
  • The evidence or proof that someone’s claim is correct. (noun)
  • A verb that means begin or start.
  • Douglass reads Sheridan’s speeches over and over without tiring of them. Explain why Douglass’s interest in these speeches was unabated.
    The more he read them, the more they helped him understand and express his own thoughts about slavery.
  • Use what you know about the vocabulary words to answer the following question. Which is a type of denunciation, praise or criticism?
  • I realized that truth could even have power over the conscience of a person who enslaves others. Explain the meaning of the word conscience.
    Conscience is the inner voice that tells a person what is right and wrong.
  • Such learning would make her capable of treating me like a brute. Brute means ...
    beast/ animal
  • Identify the following word pair as being either synonyms or antonyms: obtained/received
  • mere chattel means
    a property or slave
  • A noun that means the wisdom in handling of practical matters.