
Grammar unit 7

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  • (brush her teeth) Before bed, she________.
    brushes her teeth
  • (go to bed) He________at 11:00
    goes to bed
  • never / go out for dinner / they / on weekdays
    They never go out for dinner on weekdays.
  • How often does Leo go to the movies? (twice a week)
    Leo goes to the movies twice a week.
  • How often does Leo go to school? (everyday)
    Leo goes to school everyday.
  • Karla _______ on makeup. (put)
  • How often do you clean you house?
    Student's answer
  • . John __________ his house every day. (clean)
  • He __________ TV. (watch)
  • Use always, usually, sometimes and never to answer.                      I ______ take a nap in the afternoon. I don't like it.
  • (comb his hair) After breakfast, he__________.
    combs his hair
  • Peter and his friends __________ to school by bus. (go)
  • Mary and her brother __________ their teeth every Sunday morning. (brush)
  • Ed ____ dinner on weekends. (make)
  • (get undressed) He___________at 10:00 P.M.
    gets undressed
  • . Elephants __________ leaves and grass. (eat)
  • at 7:00 P.M. / usually / her grandfather / take a nap
    Her grandfather usually takes a nap at 7:00 P.M.
  • Tom and Jim __________ a shower every day after school. (take)
  • David's father __________ in a hospital. (work)
  • we / in the evening / go dancing / sometimes
    We sometimes go dancing in the evening.
  • How often does Leo exercise? (everyday)
    Leo exercises everyday
  • Luisa _____ every wednsday. (shave)
  • Use always, usually, sometimes and never to answer.                        I ______ play soccer on friday. I really love it.
  • my brother / on Sunday afternoon / go to the movies / always
    My brother always goes to the movies on Sunday afternoon.
  • usually / my sister / on Saturday / visit friends
    Usually, on Saturday, my sister visits friends.