
Google IT Courses 3 and 4 Review

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  • What is the difference between a program and a process?
    A program is a set of instructions, and a process is just once instance of one instruction running. (a program is made of many processes, over time)
  • what are important parts of a disaster recovery plan?
    a good plan can efficiently manage a data loss scenario; this includes preventative measures(redundancy), detection measures (alerts) and restorative measures
  • Name a scenario where it would make sense to launch an app using IAAS tools
    if you know the app may not last long, if the app needs to be scaled for more users quickly, if you dont have the means to operate the data storage machines
  • What do we call the 'beginning' of all file directories in Windows and Linux? a:base directory b:root directory c:bottom directory d:main directory
    B: the root directory is the original path that all files stem from. In windows, this is usually written with a letter (example: 'C:\") and in Linux it is "/"
  • Name a SAAS product
    google suite, canva, dropbox, icloud, samsung cloud, microsoft 365
  • What is the tool 7zip commonly used for?
    7zip is a popular open source software used to extract zip files in Windows OS
  • What does it mean to 'PXE boot' a computer?
    Preboot execution environment (PXE), pronounced pixie, is a set of standards that enables a computer to load an operating system (OS) over a network connection
  • what is one pro and one con of using cloud services?
    pros: fast and easy to arrange, often cost effective, keep data accessible. cons: may be hacked, hard to export, require internet
  • What is the protocol most frequently used to serve webpage content?
    HTTP/ HTTPS (hypertext transfer protocol)
  • decribe what a VPN is and when you would want to use one
    "a private tunnel through public internet"; normally your ISP receives the request and redirects you. But with VPN,you go through a remote server
  • What does a DHCP server do?
    allocates IP addresses for client machines
  • What is the point of using a load balancer?
    to distibute traffic evenly/ in more optimal way across multiple servers, to avoid server overload.
  • What is the term used when you install a mobile app to the phone/tablet manually, without going through the app store/ google play? a:instant loading b:side loading c: back loading
    b: side loading
  • If you receive an html error code beginning with 4, is the error on the client side or the server side?
    error codes beginning with 4 indicate error on the client side; codes beginning with 5 indicate error on the server side
  • what makes a server computer physically different than a single user desktop?
    server computers often hve multiple hard drives, power supplies, and processors. they also run unique OSs
  • What is the most common file system found on hard drives in machines running Windows: Fat32, exFAT, or NTFS?
    NTFS is the most common file system for Windows machines today
  • What is a driver?
    A driver is a specific software (usually automatically) installed to make sure a piece of hardware can communicate with the rest of the system
  • what does it mean to "image" a machine?
    to copy an "image" of one computer onto another (including OS, apps, configurations, settings,etc)
  • What does it mean if a software package has dependencies? (in any OS)
    This means that the software requires other programs to be loaded beforehand, since running it's code requires the use of another code.
  • what does it mean if you type "sudo" at the beginning of a bash command?
    stands for "superuser do"; allows you higher admin authority