
Religious Knowlegde Part 2

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  • What did God promise Abraham?
    He would have as many descendants as there are stars in the sky.
  • What did God ask Abraham to do with his son?
    To sacrifice him
  • Who did Jacob marry first?
  • What do we call those people who stayed permanently in one place, growing crops and keeping animals?
  • Who was Isaac?
    Abraham's and Sarah's son?
  • Why did Lot's men and Abraham's men fight?
    Because they wanted the best for their master's animals.
  • Who tricked Jacob?
    Laban, his uncle
  • What do we call those people who moved from one place to another looking for sources of food and water?
  • How were Jacob and Esau different?
    Esau was hairy and he loved hunting, whereas Jacob liked to stay in.
  • What did Esau trade his right for?
    Some food
  • Whose idea was it to trick Isaac?
  • Who were Jacob and Esau?
    Isaac's sons.
  • What was the birthright?
    The right the eldest son gained when his parents died to be the head of the family.
  • Who did Jacob really want to marry?
  • Who did Abraham start his journey with?
    His wife, their nephew and their animals.
  • What did God ask Abraham to do?
    To become a Nomad, leave his home and go to a promised land.
  • What did Abraham and Sarah want most?
    To have a son